Why do I feel the need to justify myself?
The #BBC has got my knickers in a bit of a twist - yesterday they published a news item on their website and it also features on a BBC radio programme, regarding unregulated massage therapists.
Yes - anyone can set up as a massage therapist
Yes - you can do it without qualifications or insurance
For those of us who have chosen this as a career and are passionate about what we do, we have spent a lot of time and money on our initial training, our membership of a Federation, our insurance, and our annual - yes annual CPD (Continued Professional Development - courses and additional study) which is a prerequisite of being a member of a professional body.
I chose to become a member of FHT - the Federation of Holistic Therapists. Not everyone can join this - you have to have completed your training with an accredited training provider. They provide practical support to members and protect the public's health by ensuring high standards in both training and practice - and we have to pay to join if we are accepted.
The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) is the UK's largest professional association for therapists, ensuring high standards in therapy education and practice since 1962. With thousands of members offering a broad range of specialisms - from sports and remedial therapies, to complementary healthcare and holistic beauty treatments - the FHT is the association of choice for many professional therapists.
The FHT is governed by an elected council of members who oversee a permanent team of FHT staff, many of whom are also qualified therapists.
All practising therapists should have Professional Insurance, which keeps them and their clients safe. FHT is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and the insurance is taken out with well-known insurance providers – our choice - and yes, we pay for it.
There are several professional governing bodies and a professional massage therapist will choose to be associated with one of them because we are professionals and we care about our clients.
I would advise some sensible precautions if you are looking to have a massage - Please always check on a therapist's credentials, ensure they are a member of a federation, ensure they have insurance and take the time to check them out.
Please don't tar us all with the same brush as those that are out to take advantage of folk; these people are everywhere - not just in the massage industry.
I would urge you to contact me if you have any questions regarding this post, and thank you for taking the time to read it.